Why Our Attorneys?
Sophisticated Representation at Fair Rates: Our clients are sophisticated consumers of legal services, who place a premium on ability and responsiveness rather than on sweeping views from a fancy conference room. Prior to forming Belcher Fitzgerald LLP, our partners all practiced at large, prominent law firms. As a result, we are in the unique position to offer our clients the high level of sophistication typical of larger firms, but in a boutique setting that allows us to charge rates that are fair to both our clients and our firm.
Client Focused – First, Foremost, Always. We are a client-driven firm, in word and deed. We are committed to providing prompt and courteous communication, realistic and pragmatic assessments of issues and options, and a dogged focus on client satisfaction.
Flexibility. One size rarely fits all. We recognize that clients come to us at all stages of their lives and businesses, with varying needs, goals and resources. We recognize that a fair fee is one which provides a value commensurate with the money spent. Moreover, we understand our clients’ desire for predictability of legal costs. There may be times when the common hourly billing arrangement does not accurately reflect the value of the service or readily permit cost predictability. Some argue that hourly billing provides the wrong incentives – putting emphasis on process and mechanics rather than results. In fact, many attorneys cite the “billable hour” as the thing they dislike most about the practice of law. We offer alternative fee solutions which are intended to better suit a given client’s need and enhance the value we provide, such as contingency fees, fixed fees, blended rates, and more. No fee arrangement is appropriate for every situation. We invite you to ask us for further information specific to your needs.